
The academic governance of the university is vested in senate, as outlined in the Yukon University Act.
Senators 2020-21

Aline Goncalves

Information Literacy / Reference Librarian

Library Services
IT & Learning Commons

Amanda Graham

Chair, School of Liberal Arts

School of Liberal Arts
Applied Arts

Brent Langbakk

School of Academic and Skill Development
Instructor, English
Applied Arts

Brian Horton

Manager, Climate Change Research

YukonU Research Centre
School of Science

Doug McRae

Instructor, Heavy Equipment Technician

School of Trades, Technology and Mining
Applied Science and Management

Erica Bourdon

Co-Department Head

Academic and Student Services

Aaron France

Instructor, Electrical

School of Trades, Technology and Mining
Applied Science and Management

Dr. Joel Cubley

Instructor/Coordinator, Earth Sciences
Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining
Chair, School of Science
School of Science

Dr. Kathryn (Katie) Aitken

Instructor/Coordinator, Environmental and Conservation Sciences Program

School of Science
Applied Science and Management

Lianne Charlie

Instructor, Indigenous Governance

Applied Science and Management

Ryan Alaric

Community Adult Education Coordinator

Community Education and Development - Southern

Rhonda Wildeman

Instructor, Teaching and Learning

Academic and Student Services

Sky Pearson

Instructor, Welding

School of Trades, Technology and Mining
Applied Science and Management

Dr. Victoria Castillo

Instructor/Coordinator, Heritage and Culture Certificate

School of Liberal Arts
Applied Arts
Antonio Luis Nemenzo

Student Union Vice-President Internal 

Sparsh Arora


Administrative Members

Andrew Richardson

Dean, Applied Arts

Applied Arts

Janet Welch

Vice-President, Academic and Provost

Vice President's Office
Academic and Student Services

Kara Mott


Office of the Registrar

Dr. Ernie Prokopchuk

Interim Dean

Applied Science and Management

Shelagh Rowles

Executive Director, Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining

Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining

Maggie Matear

Interim President & Vice Chancellor

President's Office
James Allen


The Yukon University Act requires at least 60% of the senators be faculty members, and that Senate strive to have its membership include at least 30% Indigenous persons from Yukon or elsewhere in Canada.

Alternate Members

Alexander Garcia

Instructor, Business Administration

School of Business and Leadership
Applied Science and Management

Jaclyn Semple

Instructor, Math & Physics

School of Science
Applied Science and Management

Kevin Kennedy

Instructor/Coordinator, Whitehorse Correctional Centre

Community Education and Development - Southern

Terri Wright

Associate Registrar

Office of the Registrar

Lacia Kinnear

Executive Director

Governance and External
Ex-Officio (resource members)

Clint Sawicki

Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services

Administrative Services

Dr. Bronwyn Hancock

Associate Vice-President, Research Development

YukonU Research Centre

For specific details on the parameters and selection of senators, see the Yukon University Act and Senate bylaws.

Senate and Senate Committees
  • Executive: coordinates the affairs of senate
  • Internal Academic Governance: reviews, develops and recommends academic policies and procedures to senate.
  • Curriculum and Program Review: discusses and recommends proposals affecting the academic programming, including but not limited to course and program proposals and changes.
  • Academic Appeals: coordinates all academic appeals ensuring a fair and equitable hearing system.
  • Planning and Priorities: advises senate on academic and research planning and priorities.
Governance Office

Serves as the secretariat for Senate and its committees.

Lacia Kinnear

Executive Director

Governance and External

Irina Bogachek

Governance Officer

Governance and External

Academic PoliciesSenate


Senate bylaws

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Downloads Revised
Senate bylaws
AC 1.0

Yukon University Senate Responsibilities

Outlines the responsibilities of Yukon University Senate, and how the Senate will perform its duties in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards. Permalink
AC 3.0

Development of New Instructional Programs

Every proposed new instructional program must undergo a quality assessment to determine whether it meets established criteria and standards. This requirement applies to all credit programs and non-credit programs for which a Yukon University credential will be granted. Permalink
AC 4.0

Review of Instructional Programs

Yukon University's educational offerings are reviewed regularly for their educational quality through a collaborative, systematic, evidence‐based examination of a program. Program review provides an opportunity to identify and promote specific aspects of educational excellence within a program, and to identify opportunities to improve program quality. Permalink
AC 5.0

Honorary Credentials

Yukon University acknowledges and celebrates exceptional service and contributions to the greater good, as well as excellence in scholarship, scientific inquiry, and artistic achievement, through the conferring of honorary credentials.

Individuals selected to receive an honorary credential will have a record of contribution and accomplishment that, while reflecting the mission, aspirations, ideals, or values of Yukon University, will serve as an inspiration to our students, graduates, and our community as a whole. Permalink