Accessibility Services

Welcome to Accessibility Services located in C1225 at Ayamdigut Campus, Whitehorse. Accessibility supports are available all students, including Community Campuses (Zoom meeting option for community campus students).

Yukon University is committed to creating an accessible learning environment open to all students by ensuring equal access to academic facilities, learning environments and educations programs.

We know every student is unique and has different needs. Accessibility Services works collaboratively with students with disabilities to provide a supportive learning environment that enhances academic and personal development.

Students experiencing barriers due to a visible or invisible disability, mental health, or chronic health condition should contact Accessibility Services to speak with an advisor about their individual accessibility needs and to identify appropriate academic accommodations.

Students are responsible to self-identify and request academic accommodations from Accessibility Services each new semester. All services are confidential.

How to get started

Once you have registered in your classes, connect with Accessibility Services to schedule an appointment. At the initial 30-minute meeting, you will work with the Accessibility Advisor to review your documentation and discuss how your disability/condition impacts your participation in your courses, and which accommodations may be right for you.

Accommodations are approved on a case-by-case basis. You should be aware that you may not receive all the accommodations you request, nor will you necessarily receive the same accommodations you had in high school or at another educational institution.

If academic accommodations are not appropriate for your situation, Accessibility Services will assist you to access other available support services.

Students are welcome to meet with Accessibility Services even if they don’t (yet) have documentation, or if they suspect a disability but are unsure.

The initial meeting can be in person, by phone, or over Zoom.

You will need to re-register with Accessibility Services at the start of each semester


Students are expected to provide disability related documentation from an appropriate health care professional qualified to diagnose their disability.

Documentation must describe the nature of the disability and include a description of the functional impact of the disability. A diagnosis alone is not sufficient to support a request for accommodations.

Documentation of disability must be current. For Learning disabilities, learning assessments completed after the age of 18 may be acceptable. Assessments completed in K-12 must be no more than 5 years old.

Students who do not have documentation or are unsure if they have a disability should contact Accessibility Services to identify options for accommodations. The Accessibility Services Documentation of Sensory, Physical, or Medical Disabilities form may be completed by a medical professional to support your request for accommodation.

An IEP or Student Learning Plan is not sufficient documentation to support academic accommodations. While the IEP identifies accommodations used in high school, the IEP does not provide the needed documentation of disability.

Students are responsible for any costs associated with getting the assessments and documentation needed to support accommodations.

Students are welcome to meet with Accessibility Services even if they don’t (yet) have documentation, or if they suspect a disability but are unsure.

Accessing accommodations

Once your accommodations have been approved, Accessibility Services will generate a Letter of Accommodation that outlines your specific needs. You will have an opportunity to review this letter. Once the letter is finalized, you will receive a copy of the email that goes to your instructors (to your Yukon University email address). The Letter of Accommodation will be attached to the email. Save the letter to your computer/mobile device for your future reference. Once you receive the email, your accommodations are active for the term.

It is your responsibility to contact your instructor(s) to discuss how your accommodations will work in their specific course. If you need help or support to do this, please ask your Accessibility Advisor.

You will need to have an updated Letter of Accommodation for each term you wish to access academic accommodation.

Tests and exams

If your accommodations include extra time or the option to write in an alternative setting, you will need to contact Accessibility Services at least 1 week in advance of your test/exam to book the space.

If insufficient notice is given, support for your accommodation may not be available, and you may have to write with the class.

No-show policy: If you are unable to attend your scheduled test/exam, please inform Accessibility Services and your Instructor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. You will need your instructor/program chair’s approval prior to rescheduling missed exams with Accessibility Services.