Academic Support Centre
Study, get help with writing, math, computers, and other academic skills.
Accessibility Services
Identify supports you need to overcome barriers due to disability and reach your academic potential.
Assessments & testing
Measure your abilities in mathematics and English, and get placed in the appropriate courses.
Information Technology (IT) Services
We'll support you throughout your studies - from setting up your account to printing your last assignment.
Innovation Commons
A multi-use gathering space that supports and enhances your learning, writing, research, numeracy and the use of technology.
Learning Strategies
Develop learning skills and strategies to manage the demands of being a student and achieve academic success.
Library services
Access to more than 40,000 titles, including books, maps and audiovisual resources, as well as dozens of printed journals and magazines!
Online Learning Tools
Work through six modules to familiarize yourself with the online tools that are essential to Yukon University courses.