Operational policies
Give direction to the operations, administration, functions, and affairs of the University and are of two categories: Administrative Operational (under authority of the President) and Board Operational (under authority of the Board of Governors).
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HR 01.0 |
Yukon University recognizes that each employee should receive fair compensation for the duties performed. Accordingly, acting pay will be authorized by the appropriate senior manager whenever a bargaining unit or excluded confidential employee is directly assigned, without a short-term opportunity recruitment process, to the substantial duties of a higher paid position for two or more days.
HR 02.0 |
Yukon University recognizes the principles of natural justice that offer every employee a procedure to seek satisfactory resolution to complaints/dissatisfaction arising from the decisions, directives and actions of the University's management and its delegates.
HR 03.0 |
Outlines how Education Leave can be accessed.
HR 04.0 |
Yukon University will provide appropriate compensation for the work performed by employees.
HR 05.0 |
Conditions such as cold weather, normal snowstorms, traffic tie-ups and remoteness of residences do not meet the criteria for disaster conditions for individual staff members (see Campus Closure Policy).
HR 06.0 |
Yukon University recognizes that stress in employees’ personal lives can impact their job performance and their health. To assist employees in distress, Yukon University will provide access to a confidential Employee Assistance Program.
HR 09.0 | Employee Computer Purchase Plan The University will assist employees to enhance their computer skills and knowledge through the provision of a computer purchase plan.
HR 10.0 |
The Yukon University Employee Recognition Program identifies and acknowledges the performance and contributions its employees make to the University. It is through the continued hard work and dedication of Yukon University employees that the profile and reputation of the University are built. The employee recognition program will publicly recognize and encourage excellence in service and instruction.
HR 11.0 | Benefits for Excluded Employees The University will maintain and promote a competitive benefit package for excluded employees.
HR 12.0 | Violence, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention and Response Yukon University expects members of the University community to treat others with dignity and respect. Violence, harassment, and discrimination are prohibited within University spaces and practices and will not be tolerated. The University will take proactive actions to prevent violence, harassment, or discrimination against any University community member, and acknowledges that every employee is entitled to employment free of violence, harassment, and discrimination and that every student is entitled to a learning environment free of the same. The University is committed to eliminating, or if unable to eliminate then minimizing and controlling, the risks of violence, harassment, or discrimination in the workplace, in spaces where the University’s work is being done, and in University learning environments.
HR 13.0 | Attendance and Leave Reporting Yukon University encourages employees to keep a healthy balance between work and personal life. In order to meet the University's operational requirements, it is expected that all employees will be present and performing assigned University work during scheduled hours.
HR 15.0 |
Yukon University does not sanction or authorize infringements or violations by University staff, and is committed to protecting Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, and Industrial Design on materials, inventions, and designs produced by University staff.
HR 16.0 |
To assist the University in recruiting the best available candidate, the College may offer a taxable relocation allowance to incent a candidate to relocate.
HR 17.0 |
Yukon University is committed to ensuring that employees retiring from the University have a complete understanding of benefits available to them through Yukon University.
HR 19.0 | Excluded Management and Confidential Staff Compensation and Performance Appraisal System Yukon University intends to maintain an Excluded Management and Confidential (EMC) staff compensation program that will allow it to attract, motivate and retain the human resource talent that it needs to enhance and develop the existing needs and strategic interests of Yukon University and its students. The compensation program will be sufficiently attractive to provide employees fair and competitive compensation so the Yukon University can attract and retain talented employees.
HR 21.0 | Performance Conditions for Ongoing Employement Outlines the conditions necessary for continued employment.
HR 23.0 |
Provides a mechanism for employees to pre-pay for leave.
HR 24.0 | Recruitment of Permanent and Term Employees The University will endeavor to hire the best qualified person, within available resources with due consideration to employment equity, collective agreements and succession planning.
HR 25.0 |
A casual employee is any employee who does not hold a permanent or term position in a position classified as union, excluded or management.
HR 26.0 | Salary and Probation/Trial Period on Employment Yukon University will follow fair, open, equitable and ethical employment practices that will be in accordance with any relevant legislation, the Collective Agreement and approved policy.
HR 28.0 | Staff Development and Training The University, through the Staff Development and Training Team, the Department of Human Resource Services, and divisional initiatives, will provide opportunities for staff to gain necessary skills, maintain currency and relevancy in their fields, and develop new or enhanced, personal or professional skills and abilities.
HR 31.0 | Volunteering, with Pay, for Athletic, Cultural, or Fund Raising Events The University recognizes the value and contribution made by the residents of Yukon toward the physical, social, cultural and spiritual aspects of life in the Territory. When operational requirements permit, the University will grant a permanent or temporary employee time off with pay during scheduled work periods to participate in or act as an official as long as the employee is not being paid by the organizers for their participation.
HR 33.0 | Disability, Accommodation, and Return to Work Outlines employer obligations around disability, accommodations, and return to work after an absence.
HR 34.0 |
Flexible work arrangements may be established at the request of the employee, where such an arrangement is appropriate and would not interfere with university operations.
PO 04.0 |
All employees and contractors must declare situations which create or may be perceived to create an unfair advantage or a conflict of interest between their personal activities and their duties and responsibilities as an employee or contractor.
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IP 11.0 | Information Access and Privacy Protection Yukon University will ensure appropriate public access to College records, and protection for personal and business information.
IP 12.0 |
The Yukon University Archives serves all divisions, offices and institutes within the University, as well as students, faculty, staff and the general public. Its primary objective is to acquire, preserve and make available University archival records and publications in all formats relating to the history, programs, organization, functions and structures of the University and its predecessor institutions, Whitehorse Vocational Training School and Yukon Vocational and Technical Training Centre.
IP 13.0 |
The Yukon University Records Management Program serves all divisions, offices and institutes within the University. Its primary objective is to assist all faculty and staff to manage University records in all formats in compliance with fiduciary, legal and policy requirements through all phases from creation through final disposition.
IT 12.0 |
Outlines requirements for passwords and password management.
IT 13.0 |
The purpose of this policy is to define standards for connect to Yukon College's network from outside the College.
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AS 03.0 |
Ensures that the management of facilities at Yukon University is efficient and makes effective use of the available resources.
AS 07.0 |
The facilities and resources of Yukon University are primarily for use by its students, faculty, and staff for activities and programs that are directly related to the basic educational, cultural, recreational, and on-campus organizational activities.
AS 08.0 |
Pets/animals are welcome on Yukon University grounds, provided that the pet/animal is healthy, well behaved, and on a leash or restrained in some manner. This pertains to all Yukon University campuses.
AS 09.0 | Promotion, Distribution, or Sale of Products or Services on University Premises Details The sale and promotion of products or services on University premises.
AS 24.0 |
The University vehicles are available to employees for University business. The vehicles are used to address the operational needs of the University. The vehicles can be utilized to attend meetings, run errands, and pick up and deliver materials and goods as required. The vehicles can also be used by residence staff, including students that are employees, to assist students as needed. This policy has been established to ensure that vehicles are operated in a safe and respectful manner.
AS 25.0 |
Outlines Yukon University's approach to minimize cost, both financial and environment, concerning document printing.
SS 08.0 | Bookstore Textbook Acquisition Process The University Bookstore will provide textbook acquisition, inventory and sales service for approved University programs in a timely and cost recovery manner. The University Bookstore will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all students enrolled in a program course are able to purchase their course books on time in the Bookstore. Permalink |
SS 15.0 | Ayamdigut Campus Space Allocation Space within Ayamdigut Campus will be allocated in a manner that recognizes student learning and instruction as the primary focus of the institution, as well as the requirement to provide students, staff, and faculty with the space they need to carry out their work.
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AF 02.0 |
Yukon University is committed to responsible management of University resources and will adopt a decision-making model that decentralizes authority and responsibility to the most appropriate level and holds all levels of staff accountable for the prudent use of University funds.
AF 03.0 |
The procurement policy will ensure accountable, efficient, transparent, and ethical practices are used to acquire all goods, services, vehicles, products, equipment, and capital assets for Yukon University whether by purchase, rental, or lease.
AF 04.0 |
Yukon University shall ensure adequate controls are maintained to ensure the completeness, accuracy, and integrity of all financial information. It will reflect in all transactions its institutional value of leadership and accountability. Yukon University will deal with clients in a professional, fair and equitable manner. The University will be consistent, fair, and proactive in its approach and handling of collecting on overdue accounts. Permalink |
AF 05.0 |
The purpose of this policy is to set out the responsibility to accept, manage, maintain, report on, and dispose of assets acquired by the Yukon University, throughout the assets’ lifecycle.
AF 07.0 |
Yukon University is committed to responsible management of University resources and ensuring that all travel by University employees and delegates for University purposes results in the most economical use of University human, time and financial resources.
AF 08.0 |
Yukon University is committed to responsible management of University resources and ensuring that all hospitality expenses incurred by University employees for University purposes are reasonable and justified. The University will pay for hospitality expenses necessarily incurred while performing University-related duties.
AF 10.0 |
Yukon University recognizes that effective planning and prudent fiduciary management requires a Capital Reserve as a buffer against risk and unexpected economic pressures. The Reserve may be used under strictly defined criteria and with Board approval to support expenditures consistent with the University’s strategic plan and ongoing sustainability. These may include capital development projects, renovations, building maintenance and repair, catastrophic event recovery, or other expenditures the Board determines are necessary.
AS 01.0 |
The purposes of this policy are to specify the signing authorities required for different types of contracts, and to define the responsibilities of individuals who negotiate, approve, or sign contracts on behalf of the Yukon University.
AS 13.0 |
The University shall evaluate and manage potential risks to minimize exposure to risks and minimize University liabilities.
AS 18.0 |
The University shall indemnify and save each of its staff and members of the Board of Governors harmless against all costs, charges and expenses including an amount paid to settle an action to satisfy judgement recently incurred by him/her in respect of any civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding to which he/she is made party by reason of being or having an employee or Board member of Yukon University, provided certain conditions are met.
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AS 23.0 | Emergency Response - Individual Incident Response It is the responsibility of each member of the Yukon University community to assist in the safe and efficient resolution to incidents that might arise in the day-to-day business of the University. These incidents may vary from threatening situations, to damage to property, to full-scale emergency situations.
HR 07.0 | Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Yukon University recognizes that the College is an environment in which power imbalances are inherent. Yukon University recognizes that people's experiences will be affected by factors such as access to power and privilege, sex, sexual identity, gender identity or expression, racialization, age, family status, religion, faith, ability, disability, national or ethnic origin, indigeneity, immigration status, socio-economic status, class and language. These factors, along with an individual's personal history, impact individual experiences of sexualized violence, the ability to access supports and choices with regard to recourse. Yukon University will take this into account when carrying out its responsibilities under this policy.
HR & SS 30.0 |
Yukon University is committed to providing a safe and healthy work, learning, and living environment for everyone who is part of the University Community. Employers have a duty to provide a safe work environment and take all reasonable precautions to protect the health and safety of employees, students and others in the workplace. This policy sets out parameters for individual rights and responsibilities.
PO 02.0 |
The University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for employees, students, and other members of the University community, and strives to meet or exceed all federal and territorial health and safety legislation as it fosters a culture of healthy, safe, and environmentally sustainable operations.
SS 01.0 |
Yukon University expects that all employees and students are working in safe conditions. Accordingly, the President or their designate may declare the University and/or its campuses closed if the University is unable to operate effectively and/or circumstances pose a risk to the health, well being, and/or safety of members of the campus community or to the reputation of the University community.
SS 4.0 | Death in the University Community Policy In the event of a death within the Yukon University community, this policy is intended to ensure the University's response is compassionate and respectful and that the necessary administrative procedures are carried out as efficiently and unobtrusively as possible. Permalink |
SS 11.0 |
Yukon University is committed to promoting a safe and secure community within a supportive and accessible living, learning, and working environment. This policy aims to guide the response efforts by the Yukon University in identifying, investigating, evaluating, and managing threats and emergencies related to any member of the YukonU community or any YukonU property. Permalink |
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SS 02.0 | Student Tuition Fee Deferral/Waiver Outlines conditions in which students can defer their tuition or have their tuition waived.
SS 09.0 |
YukonU values a positive financial relationship between the university and students. Tuition refunds play an important role in supporting students who are no longer able to continue with their studies. This purpose of this policy is to ensure that the tuition refund rules support students and the operations of the university.
SS 16.0 |
The availability of housing on campus is an important tool for attracting and retaining students. Campus Housing is available first and foremost to Yukon University students. This policy outlines the process of applying to live in Campus Housing.
VPA 2.0 | Student Non-Academic Misconduct Yukon University prioritizes resolving non-academic misconduct by informal processes and restorative practices, and where an informal resolution has not been possible, the University will seek a developmental and restorative approach to student non-academic misconduct. This policy and its procedures will guide the University in doing so. Yukon University acknowledges that we work and learn throughout the traditional territory of, and in partnership with, Yukon First Nations, and we honour and respect Yukon First Nations’ knowledge, worldviews, cultural and traditional practices, and educational priorities in all we do. Yukon University's approach to dealing with non-academic misconduct is inspired by the original caretakers of the land on which the University has been built. Permalink |
VPA 3.0 | Student Records Management Policy Yukon University believes in creating, collecting, and maintaining accurate student records that are managed consistently as an institutional asset that meet legislative requirements. This policy supports employees to create and maintain student records that are trustworthy, useable, retained for the appropriate time and managed consistently regardless of format or location.
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PO 06.0 |
Outlines institutional approach and procedures for University fundraising.
PO 07.0 |
Outlines institutional approach and procedures to accepting philanthropic gift donations.
PO 08.0 |
Outlines institutional approach and procedures for accepting gifts-in-kind.
UR 1.0 | Visual Identity - Yukon University To ensure Yukon University maintains its brand identity and to maximize the University’s investment in marketing and promotional material, a coordinated approach to design, development, and implementation of such material is essential.
UR 2.0 |
Yukon University's communications practices are guided by the belief that the University should be a credible and forthcoming source of information, supporting a culture of openness and a commitment to the dissemination of knowledge.
UR 9.0 |
Yukon University is committed to acquiring, managing, and exhibiting art that demonstrates our cultural diversity, is true to our institutional values, enhances learning opportunities and is appealing within the physical space of Yukon University.
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BOG 15.0 | Credit Program Tuition Fee Adjustment The Board will establish, authorize, communicate and review tuition fees for credit programs in a consistent, transparent and accountable manner.
BOG 19.0 |
Yukon University may name facilities and academic entities to recognize support that it has accepted from individuals, corporations, organizations and foundations, (“philanthropic naming” and “sponsorship naming”) and honour legacy contributions from individuals who have had a pivotal impact on the history and evolution of the institution (“honorific naming”). The naming opportunity will coincide with a new or renovated facility, when possible. Permalink |
BOG 20.0 |
Yukon University seeks to foster an active and ongoing relationship with former University presidents who have retired in good standing. Maintaining such relationships allows the University to benefit from the ongoing contributions of a former president and allows the former president to use the institution’s name in connection with ongoing community and academic endeavors.
BOG 22.0 |
Yukon University seeks to manage its legal risk by ensuring quality, efficient and reliable Legal Services in support of the University’s activities and objectives.
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AC 3.0 | Development of New Instructional Programs Every proposed new instructional program must undergo a quality assessment to determine whether it meets established criteria and standards. This requirement applies to all credit programs and non-credit programs for which a Yukon University credential will be granted.
AP 2.0 |
Yukon University believes that the communities it serves should have a strong voice in shaping current and future programs and/or fields of study. In support of that belief, the University will establish and maintain Program Advisory Committees (PACs) comprised of external stakeholders and internal representatives.
AP 4.0 |
As part of its internal quality assurance processes, Yukon University will conduct regular, cyclical program reviews, based on collaborative, systematic, evidence‐based examinations. Program review provides an opportunity to identify and promote specific aspects of educational excellence within a program and to identify opportunities to improve program quality. It also helps ensure that programs are aligned with their respective disciplines and the values, goals, and objectives of the University.
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AR 0.0 |
Academic Regulations are a compilation of multiple academic policies regarding programming, learning, and student experience at Yukon University.
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AW 5.0 |
Yukon University acknowledges and celebrates exceptional service and contributions to the greater good, as well as excellence in scholarship, scientific inquiry, and artistic achievement, through the conferring of honorary credentials. Individuals selected to receive an honorary credential will have a record of contribution and accomplishment that, while reflecting the mission, aspirations, ideals, or values of Yukon University, will serve as an inspiration to our students, graduates, and our community as a whole. Permalink |
PO 05.0 |
Student Awards are a critical tool in overcoming the financial barrier to academic success and to attracting and retaining students. Thus, the donors of those awards are important to student success and need to be managed thoughtfully and carefully.
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AC 2.0 |
Yukon University reaffirms the principle of academic freedom as it is enjoyed by members of the University and the obligations of the University to protect those rights.
AP 1.0 |
Yukon University is committed to recognizing and celebrating the outstanding achievements and contributions of its faculty members and educational administrators and leaders. To honour their achievements and contributions past their date of retirement, the University will award emeriti appointments that honour the employee’s standing of high regard in the eyes of peers and colleagues and anticipate the continuation of the appointee’s contributions to Yukon University past their retirement.
FC 0.00 | Faculty Performance Review Framework The following Faculty Performance Review Framework (the Framework) is intended to guide faculty through the review process; align with the relevant sections of Yukon University’s Collective Agreement with the Public Service Alliance of Canada; help Yukon University meet Campus Alberta Quality Council (CAQC) standards in employment arrangements for academic staff and assessment of teaching effectiveness.
VPA 1.0 | Adjunct Faculty, Research Associates, and Visiting Scholars Yukon College will appoint individuals as adjunct faculty, research associates, and visiting scholars if it is evident that (1) they will provide knowledge, expertise or skills of value to the institution and (2) the College’s reputation will be enhanced through association with the appointee. The College will consider academic accomplishments, professional experience, or status as traditional knowledge holders when determining eligibility for these appointments. Permalink |
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AR 2.0 |
Yukon University is committed to expanding northern research and innovation opportunities and strives to maintain the highest ethical standards in all of its research and scholarly activities.
AR 3.0 |
Yukon University expects that researchers conduct their research in accordance with established ethical procedures.
AR 4.0 |
Yukon University is committed to expanding northern research and innovation opportunities. The University strives to expand the culture and capacity to conduct research within the University and throughout Yukon according to clearly defined standards of care when animals are involved in research activities.
AR 5.0 |
Yukon University is committed to the strategic goal of expanding northern research and innovation opportunities. The University strives to expand the culture and capacity to conduct research within the University and throughout Yukon according to the principle that attribution of academic credit and ownership of Intellectual Property (IP) rights belong to the creator(s) unless otherwise agreed to.
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Bylaws governing the Yukon University Senate
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BOG 00.0 |
Bylaws for the Yukon University Board of Governors.
BOG 01.0 | Yukon University Board Responsibilities The Board will focus on overall direction, policy and performance of the University, and delegate to the President the responsibility for management.
BOG 02.0 |
An effective Board of Governors is composed of dedicated, knowledgeable Board members. This policy outlines member responsibilities.
BOG 03.0 | Yukon University President Responsibilities The President is accountable to the Board. The Board instructs through written policies and delegates implementation to the President. The responsibilities of the President are to be consistent with the legislation, job description, and as outlined in Board Policy.
BOG 04.0 |
University Board members are expected to be representatives of the University and responsive to the needs of Yukoners.
BOG 05.0 |
The Board of Governors commits itself and its members to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct, in which their actions and behaviors uphold the principles of integrity, respect, and accountability.
BOG 07.0 | Monitoring President's Performance The primary purpose of performance evaluation is to improve employee competence and effectiveness.
BOG 08.0 |
The Board has a responsibility to hold itself accountable for the overall performance of its responsibilities and to evaluate its effectiveness. In a positive, constructive environment Board members will provide information to the Board Chair for the purpose of identifying actions to improve individual Board member performance and to improve the performance of the Board. Permalink |
BOG 10.0 | Community Campus Committee Relationship The board recognizes and respects the importance of the Community Campus Committees in assisting the board with community linkage.
BOG 14.0 |
Outlines the procedures for the Board of Governors' annual planning.
BOG 16.0 | Board Relationship with Governing Councils Yukon University is committed to the inclusion of community members and stakeholders in decisions relating to programming and research services.
BOG 17.0 | Board Member Selection Process The Yukon University Act outlines the process of selecting members for the Yukon University Board. Where the Board has discretion over recruitment, it uses a strategic approach to ensure its composition addresses a range of skills and experiences.
BOG 18.0 |
Board Members who have resigned or whose terms of service have expired resulting in retirement shall be formally acknowledged for their service to the Board of Governors.
BOG 21.0 |
The University's Board of Governors is responsible for appointing a University Chancellor. Yukon University values the role of University Chancellor as a prominent representative of the institution and for the key role they play within the University’s governance.
BS 1.0 | Board and Senate Relationship Policy Yukon University recognizes the importance of a strong and effective relationship between the Board of Governors and the Senate. This policy outlines the principles, roles, and responsibilities governing the interaction and collaboration between the Board and the Senate to ensure transparent governance, academic integrity, and institutional success.