Browse Yukon University Experts

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Photo of Andrew

Dr. Andrew Richardson

Dean, Applied Arts Division
Applied Arts

Field of expertise

  • English
  • literature

Area of interest

  • modernist and contemporary British and postcolonial literatures
  • science fiction/speculative fiction
  • poststructuralism and critical theory
Photo of Andrew

Dr. Andrew Roebuck
M.A., PhD

Assistant Professor , Psychology
School of Liberal Arts

Field of expertise

  • behavioural neuroscience
  • psychology

Area of interest

  • learning and memory
  • cognition
  • cannabis
  • epilepsy
  • schizophrenia
Photo of Michael

Dr. Michael Ross
P.Eng., B.A.Sc., M.Eng., PhD

Industrial Research Chair in Northern Energy Innovation
School of Science
Applied Science and Management

Field of expertise

  • electrical engineering
  • applied modelling

Area of interest

  • power systems engineering
  • renewable generation
  • remote power systems
  • smart grids
  • microgrids
  • energy storage
  • demand-side management
Photo of Shelagh

Dr. Shelagh Rowles

Provost and Vice-President Academic
Academic and Provost Division

Field of expertise

  • technology

Area of interest

  • technology and the future of work
  • innovation in mining and construction
  • impact of new technologies on Yukon
Photo of Louis-Philippe

Louis-Philippe Roy

Research Professional, Hydrology
Permafrost and Geoscience
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • permafrost
  • geoscience

Area of interest

  • permafrost
  • geomorphology
  • climate changes
  • paleoclimatology
  • community based reseach
  • geohazards