Browse Yukon University Experts

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Photo of Eric

Eric Hoogstraten

Department Head, Southern Campuses
Community Education and Development - Southern

Field of expertise

  • imaging
  • land-based education
  • safety training
  • risk mitigation
  • geo-tourism
  • land management
  • technical rope access

Area of interest

  • commercial and technical photography
  • outdoor pursuit
  • experiential and environmental education program development consulting
  • consulting for outdoor adventure tourism businesses/organizations
  • BC provincial emergency program search and rescue field team leader on technical or remote rescues
  • founding member Inuvik GSAR
  • consulting on risk management in experiential settings mountain guide
  • consulting and providing training in vertical structure rigging
  • rigging for rescue
  • cinematic work and rigging
  • safety supervision in the vertical environment
  • risk analysis
  • accident management
  • helicopter sling rescue board training for boards dealing with land and resource management
Photo of Brian

Brian Horton

Manager, Climate Change Research
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • climate change
  • climate change policy
  • geography

Area of interest

  • climate risk assessment
  • climate change adaptation
  • northern resilience
  • hydrology
Photo of Dana

Dana Jennejohn
R.S.W., M.S.W.

Senior Instructor, Bachelor of Social Work
School of Health, Education and Human Services

Field of expertise

  • social work

Area of interest

  • northern and rural social work practice
  • social work ethics
  • field education
  • direct social work practice
  • generalist social work practice in rural and northern settings
  • social work theory
Photo of Vladimir

Dr. Vladimir Kabanov

Laboratory Technician
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • chemistry
  • nanoscience
  • spectroscopy
  • photochemistry
  • quantum chemistry

Area of interest

  • photodynamic processes
  • singlet oxygen
  • plasmonics
  • host-guest chemistry
  • colloidal nanomaterials
  • systems chemistry
  • chemistry education
  • science outreach
Photo of Lisa

Dr. Lisa Kanary
B.Sc., PhD

Assistant Professor, Business Administration
School of Business and Leadership

Field of expertise

  • applied mathematics
  • applied modelling

Area of interest

  • population modelling
  • differential equations
  • statistics