This review described a framework for understanding the process of hazard mapping, and its necessary resources and broad uses, while also presenting more detailed information related to the following four major climate-driven hazard types of high priority to northern communities: Permafrost degradation; Landslides and ground movement; Coastal erosion; and Flooding.
This report was intended to provide guidance to non-hazard mapping experts who are charged with the task of reviewing proposed hazard mapping projects, or determining if a hazard mapping project has the necessary steps to be useful to a community or end-user group. The report does provide information regarding details that should be present in a funding proposal or project description for a hazard mapping project. Sections 1 to 3 outline how to get prepared and manage a hazard mapping project. Section 4 is divided per type of hazard and provided advice on building a sound methodology. The last section offered guidance on publication and communication of projects results to ensure the final product gets used by the targeted audience.
Sara Thompson, Northern Climate ExChange, Yukon Research Centre, Yukon College
Cyrielle Laurent, Northern Climate ExChange, Yukon Research Centre, Yukon College
Harris Switzman, Risk Sciences International Inc., Ottawa, Ontario
Brian Horton, Northern Climate ExChange, Yukon Research Centre, Yukon College