WO CE55 - Water Distribution Level 3 and 4
This 4.5 day (30 hour) course is designed to prepare the participants to write their Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) exam for Water Distribution Level 3 or 4 (required by Yukon Government Regulation).
The course provides the knowledge and understanding required to construct, repair and maintain water distribution systems at an intermediate to advanced level. Participants will evaluate operational processes and associated equipment, become knowledgeable in system design criteria and hydraulic concepts and perform advanced practical calculations.
This course is especially recommended for Level 2 or 3 Water Distribution operators wanting to advance their certification level. This course is relevant to any health professional, supervisor, technician or homeowner involved with or interested in water systems
**Students who wish to write the associated EOCP Certification exam must apply directly with EOCP to do so, at least 3 weeks in advance. Visit or contact EOCP at for information on how to apply**
Accepted for 3.0 CEUs by EOCP as Core for WD, SWS, BWD and Related for WT, WWC, WWT, SWWS.
Provider: Yukon University
This course will typically be offered every other year at Ayamdigut and online.
Participants need to bring steel toed boots.