WO 034 - Water Distribution Systems Operations (1/3 Practical)
This 5 day course is designed to provide the participants with knowledge and hands-on experience on a live water distribution system.
The time distributed for this course is 2/3 theory and 1/3 practical. The main objective of the course is for the operator to understand the components that make up a water distribution systems as well as proper operation and maintenance of the system. This course is NOT designed to prepare the operator to write a certification exam.
This course is especially recommended for water distribution operators and is relevant to health professionals, supervisors, technicians and homeowners involved and/or interested in water systems.
Accepted for 2.7 CEUs by EOCP as Core for WD, SWS, BWD and Related for WT, WWC, WWT, SWWS.
Provider: Yukon University
This course is offered based on interest. Contact us if you are interested in this course.
Attendees need to bring steel toed boots