JUST CE66 - Crisis Response Planning
This training is offered in partnership with the Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI) and is one of their courses. Registration for this course will be made through the CTRI online system. TO REGISTER PLEASE VISIT
CTRI is located in Winnipeg and delivers training in the Yukon and across Canada.
***Please disregard the number of seats available, as it is not an accurate representation of enrollment.***
To effectively respond to critical incidents (violence, suicide, tragedy, etc.), schools, communities and organizations need to plan ahead of time so they are prepared to respond to these unfortunate events. This training will focus on how to organize effectively and quickly at a time of high stress so that groups are better prepared to respond to the emotional needs of those affected by a critical incident. A key component of the training is review of a Crisis Response Checklist, an important tool when managing the complexities of a critical incident. Participants will leave the workshop with a clear understanding of how to implement their own crisis response team and plan for their specific environment.
Please note that for the purpose of this workshop, ?crisis response? refers to the steps that are made after a critical incident. This is not a threat assessment or emergency preparedness workshop.
Workshop Outline:
Definitions and Overview
Spectrum of Critical Incidents
Trauma, An Overview
Crisis Response Team and Plan Development
Crisis Response Planning Checklist
Organizing in Times of High Stress
Media Relations
High Risk Individuals
Individual Debriefing
Critical Incident Group Debriefing
Evaluation and Debriefing
Follow-up Assessments
Trigger Events and Anniversaries
How Suicide is Different