JUST CE126 - Intimate Partner Violence & Criminal Law
This webinar is Intended for frontline workers who encounter clients engaged with or considering engaging with the criminal law as the result of intimate partner violence; and individuals who may be neighbours, friends or family members of people in this situation. This webinar explores common criminal issues that may arise in the context of IPV and discusses how the criminal law responds to those issues.
Topics to be covered will include:
• Criminal law issues that can arise in IPV situations
• Relevant criminal laws
• Who's who in the criminal system
• Some challenges in the criminal law response to IPV
• What to consider before reporting to the police
• Being a witness
• Safety planning
• Having realistic expectations
This interactive webinar will use an intersectional feminist analysis/framework, recognizing that, while men, trans and non-binary folx can be victims of IPV, the victims of the most serious forms of coercive controlling and physical abuse, including lethal violence, are people who identify as women.
This webinar is the third in a three-part series. It is not necessary to have attended the first two webinars to register for this one.
The instructor, Pamela Cross, is a feminist lawyer who has worked on the legal issues related to gender-based violence for nearly three decades. See