JUST CE105 - Loss in the Workplace

Every workplace will inevitably experience loss. When that happens - whether it is the death of a co-worker, loss of a family member, chronic illness, or other losses - the impact can ripple throughout the workplace affecting morale, motivation, and ultimately, productivity.

Loss in the Workplace, developed by Hospice Yukon, offers tools to help prepare for loss and grief in your work environment, as well as insight and knowledge about:

• The nature of grief and how we heal
• Practical tools to help you provide effective leadership in crises and high stress periods
• Anticipating the challenges of supporting employees through difficult times
• Establishing appropriate support and maintaining productivity in your unique work

The webinar is intended for managers, supervisors, educators, Human Resource professionals, school principals, and anyone in a leadership role in their workplace.

This is a 3- hour webinar, livestreamed via Zoom, divided into two 1.5 hour sessions.

Instructor: Hospice Yukon

This course has no upcoming sessions scheduled