GEOL 202 - Mineral Economics, Mining Law and Sustainability
This course examines economic, social, and environmental factors affecting the mine cycle. It is presented in three sections. The first section, Mineral Economics, examines world metal markets, project economic feasibility measurements, and mine financing. The second section, Mining Law, introduces Canadian and Yukon legislation impacting the mining industry, including Yukon First Nations land claims agreements. The final section, Sustainability, addresses present and future mineral resource use and development in light of social and environmental factors. This includes a review of Yukon Environmental & Socio-Economic Assessment Board (YESAB) reports on select exploration projects and producing mines in the territory.
PREREQUISITES: Academic Mathematics 12 OR Yukon College equivalent (MATH 060); English 12 OR Yukon College equivalent (ENGL 090). Prior completion of Mining Industry Overview (GEOL 112) is strongly recommended.