FLSC 201 - Commercial Pilot Licence
A minimum of 200 hours total flight time
- 100 hours Pilot in Command time
- 20 hours X-Country.
All previous flight time counts toward the Commercial Pilot License. The Commercial course consists of 65 hours of flight training and 80 hours of ground school and includes a Night Endorsement.
- 35 hours of dual instruction
- 10 hours of advanced dual instruction including at least 5 hours of X-Country
- 20 hours of instrument time.
- 5 hours dual night with 2 hours X-country
- 30 hours of solo flight time
- 25 hours of general practice, including air work, and radio communication
- 5 hours solo night (10 take offs and landings)
- Straight line cross country of at least 300 nautical miles with landings at 3 airports other than the departure airport
- A minimum of 80 hours ground school. Including instruction on Air Law, Meteorology, Navigation, and General Knowledge.
- A Transport Canada Written Exam with a 70% pass mark
- A Transport Canada Flight Test
- Class 1 Medical obtained from a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner
Please keep in mind that the flight training times listed are minimums. Very few candidates are able to meet flight test standards after 35 hours of dual instruction. Budget for 45 hours as a more realistic number.