BIOL 102 - Cellular Biology and Physiology
An introductory biology course that emphasizes principles applicable to all living organisms, including an introduction to macromolecules in cells, cell structure and function, basic metabolism, processes of cellular reproduction and chromosomal patterns of inheritance, expression of DNA to phenotype, as well as basic principles of plant anatomy and organ systems in vertebrates. This course is part of core introductory science, transferrable to most Canadian universities as one semester of a comprehensive first-year level Biology course. A comparative approach to the unity and diversity of organisms is stressed. Mandatory lab sessions reinforce subject matter presented in lectures.
Students must also register in the mandatory lab component of the course, BIOL 102L
Prerequisites: BIOL 11 or Biol 050 or BIOL 12 or BIOL 060 or CHEM 11 or CHEM 050
Recommended co-requisite(s): Math 12 or Math 060