Advisory: Northern Energy Innovation Chair to support Canada’s North
Yukon College has been awarded an Industrial Research Chair in Northern Energy Innovation from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to solve issues unique to the electrical energy industry in Canada’s North.
Over the next five years, the Chair will work with the electrical energy industry in all three territories to develop independent applied research projects, while building the knowledge economy across the North through our northern colleges.
Learn more about how this position aims to achieve the highest level of efficiency, reliability, cost reduction, and enhanced environmental stewardship standards in the northern energy industry through applied research and innovation.
When: Monday, September 19, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. PST
Where: North Boardroom, Yukon Research Centre, Ayamdigut Campus, Yukon College
500 College Drive, Family Residence, ground floor
Join by phone: Dial phone number and enter the Meeting ID when prompted
• Toll-Free: +1.855.346.3893 Meeting ID: 334.80.618
• Toll: +1.201.479.4595
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Who: Dr. Michael Ross, NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Northern Energy Innovation
Northern Energy Innovation Consortium: ATCO Electric: Jay Massie, Manager; Qulliq Energy Corporation: Bruno Pereira, President and CEO;
Northwest Territories Power Corporation: Emanuel DaRosa, President and CEO; Yukon Energy Corporation: Andrew Hall, President and CEO
Janet Moodie, Interim President and Vice Chancellor, Yukon College
Stephen Mooney, Director, Cold Climate Innovation, Yukon Research Centre, Yukon College
The Yukon Research Centre is funded by Government of Yukon’s Department of Education with funding for Cold Climate Innovation from Economic Development.