Three Yukon students compete at the 53rd Canada-Wide Science Fair
WHITEHORSE- Three Grade 8 students from Vanier Catholic Secondary school will join 500 other young scientists from across Canada to showcase their scientific knowledge at the annual Canada-Wide Science Fair in Windsor, Ontario, May 10 – 17, 2014.
Representing Yukon with their original research projects are, Sophia Ross with “Hands-free Cellphones”, Isabel Magsucang, presenting “HRV Efficiency”, and KC Mooney with the results of her experiment “Do Smells Affect Memory?”
These students were winners at the Yukon/Stikine Regional Science Fair held at Yukon College last December and have been working hard on their projects and displays. They will be competing in the Junior Division nationally.
"Participating in science fairs is a brilliant opportunity to develop life skills that are essential for the future. The three of us have been friends since grade five and as a team, we are very proud to represent the Yukon," said KC Mooney.
Magsucang and Mooney also represented the Yukon in 2013. Last year, Mooney brought home a Western University Entrance Scholarship ($1000) and an Excellence Award - Junior Bronze Medal ($100) for her project “Don’t Let It Out”.
The students are accompanied by two teacher delegates: Jenna Frerot (Porter Creek Secondary) and Corrie LaLonde (Holy Family Elementary).
The primary goals of the science fair program are to create a positive scientific and social experience for the students by introducing them to their peers from across the country, and to see how the Yukon student’s projects compare with what other young Canadian scientists are doing.
The entire week, hosted this year by the University of Windsor, will be full of events beginning with a banquet and opening ceremonies, visits to educational institutions and industries throughout the week, and two days of project judging.