YC Multimedia Communication students present strategies for local non-profits

Whitehorse– Three local non-profit organizations will benefit from the work of six full-time Yukon College students. Students in the one year Multimedia Communication program have developed communications strategies for the Outreach Van, Food Bank and Yukon Gymnastic Association.
Each organization will receive a communications package including a print ad, backgrounder, and fact sheet.  Posters, fundraising campaigns, brochures, radio ads, and business cards are among the other promotional materials the students will include to support the strategies. The students have also developed websites that two of the organizations will launch.
Students will be presenting their strategies to their peers on Friday, April 23rd in the Multimedia Communication lab at Yukon College. The non-profit organizations will be presented with their strategies individually.
Contact: Kirsti Wallace
Marketing and Administrative Officer
Yukon College 867.456.8674