Governing Under the Midnight Sun Conference

Governing Under the Midnight Sun

Heritage Conference
Oct. 22-25, 2009

2009 is a signal year for the public governments in the northwest of North America. It’s a hundred years since Yukon got a wholly elected Legislative Council. It’s 50 years since Alaska became a state. It’s 30 years since the Epp Letter gave Yukon responsible government. And it’s been a year since a van load of faculty and students visited the college from University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Join us for Governing Under the Midnight Sun conference, 22 to 25 October. Day sessions on Friday and Saturday are at Yukon College; social sessions at various museums around town in the evening. The banquet will be held in the foyer of the Legislature. The Aron Senkpiel Lecture is Friday evening, Beringia Centre. Heritage workshops are Sunday, Yukon Archives. Program is here.

For more information, visit or call YHMA at 667-4704