Hostage Taking

Hostage taking is a situation in which a person(s) is (are) detained against their will by another person(s). Hostage situations may occur from spontaneous escalations of difficult situations between staff and emotionally disturbed people, coworkers or family members. This procedure is designed to provide guidelines on how to respond to hostage situations that will offer a reasonable level of protection to staff.

If you are taken hostage:

  • Do everything the hostage taker tells you.
  • Remain calm, and be patient and observant.
  • Tell the hostage-taker(s) if you require any special medication.
  • If the hostage-taker(s) orders you to make or answer phone calls, be brief.
  • At the first opportunity following release, contact 911
  • Report to Safety and Security (334-6042, speed dial 222 from your office/classroom phone or via the YC Mobile app) or your instructor/direct supervisor. Provide all incident details, being objective, detailed and descriptive. Such detailed documentation could be of great assistance for investigative purposes.
  • Await instructions - be prepared to cooperate with authorities.

Behavioral Guidelines for Hostage Victims:

  • Speak only when spoken to.
  • Be courteous and genuine.
  • Do not use humor or sarcasm – it might trigger the hostage taker to further actions.
  • Do not show your emotions.
  • Maintain face to face contact, unless otherwise directed.
  • Be patient. Even though it may appear that little is being done, the police and others will be working hard to have you (and others) released, unharmed.

If you become aware that a person(s) has been taken hostage:

  • Under no circumstances shall an employee, who has knowledge of any person(s) having been taken hostage, deal with a hostage taker alone.
  • Immediately contact 911. Provide all known incident details (location, number of people involved, any weapons involved, etc.).
  • Notify Safety and Security (334-6042, speed dial 222 from your office/classroom phone or via the YC Mobile app) or your instructor/direct supervisor and no one else.