Chemical Spill

The response to a chemical spill or an accidental release of a hazardous substance shall be based on an assessment of the threat to Health and Safety of building personnel and shall include reference to the appropriate WHMIS Material Safety Data Sheets.

If you discover a chemical accident:

  • Do not go near the chemical.
  • Warn other employees in the immediate vicinity.
  • Inform Safety and Security (334-6042, speed dial 222 from your office/classroom phone or via the YC Mobile app) or your instructor/direct supervisor.
  • Move to a safe location and await further instructions.

If you discover a chemical accident after hours:

  • Call the Spill Line at 9-667-7244, report what you have discovered then contact Safety and Security (334-6042,  speed dial 222 from your classroom/office phone or via the YC Mobile app).
  • Move to a safe location and determine next steps based on Spill Line direction.

If a chemical fire occurs:

  • Pull the fire alarm
  • If the fire is small and you are appropriately trained, put it out with a fire extinguisher.
  • NEVER allow the fire to come between you and the exit.
  • Evacuate the area by following evacuation procedures.
  • Fire crew will sweep the workplace - they are trained to do so.
  • If you evacuate the area, close doors and windows behind you to confine the fire, if it is safe to do so.


  • break windows as oxygen will fuel the fire
  • return to your office to retrieve your possessions
  • leave the Muster area until instructed to do so
  • return to the building until instructed to do so