Native Language Instructor

Yukon Native Language Centre graduate

This program covers topics such as language structure, second language teaching methods, and professionalism and class management, and promotes language teaching by using demonstrations, practice sessions, role playing, group discussion and other activities.

Program description

The Yukon Native Language Centre (YNLC) offers training and certification for Yukon Aboriginal Language Teachers. YNLC staff and Elders have developed and now teach the certificate and diploma program for native language instructors at Yukon University.

Three courses - Language Structure, Second Language Teaching Methods, and Professionalism and Class Management - are taught at Yukon University for one week during each term. The literacy course is offered for one week in either term and the practicum takes place in the student’s own classroom throughout both terms.

Regular attendance is important in order to succeed in this program. Students must be committed to teaching a language and must also enjoy working with children and young adults.

Instructional format classes taught by centre staff typically include:

  • demonstrations
  • practice sessions
  • role playing
  • group discussions
  • audio-visual presentations
  • observation periods
  • in-class activities, and assignments

The YNLC is administered by the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) with funds provided by the Yukon Government. The certificate is conferred by Yukon University.


  • Certificate - three years.
  • Diploma - While the diploma may in theory be completed in one year of intensive work at the Centre, most students will require at least two years of combined teaching and study to complete this program.

Directed study

In addition to the certificate and diploma programs, the YNLC offers directed study and training in specific areas relating to all aspects of language and program development including:

  • literacy training
  • orthography design
  • curriculum development and research methods useful in the documentation of place names and personal names

Individuals and groups requiring specific assistance in these and related areas may contact the centre for more information.

Admission requirements

This program is offered through the Yukon Native Language Centre (YNLC).

Applicants must contact the YNLC directly for all information, including fees. 

t 867 668 8820 | Toll Free 877 414 9652  
f 867 668 8825

Yukon First Nations Core Competency

Yukon University recognizes that a greater understanding and awareness of Yukon First Nations history, culture and journey towards self-determination will help to build positive relationships among all Yukon citizens. As a result, you will be required to achieve core competency in knowledge of Yukon First Nations.

For details, visit Yukon First Nations Core Competency


Courses in most areas of the program are transferrable to the University of Alaska and to the College of New Caledonia in Prince George, BC.

Career opportunities

Native language programs operating within the public school system or within First Nations require both full-time and part-time instructors, as well as persons who can act as substitutes and assistants in the programs. The need for professionally trained instructors is on-going.

Graduates of this program serve as teachers in many communities of Yukon, British Columbia, Northwest Territories and Alaska.