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Yukon College is launching the School of Mining and Technology with two new mining exploration programs that will be offered this spring. The Camp Manager and Exploration Field Assistant Programs fit the new School’s mandate of building capacity in areas where there are significant employment needs for Yukoners in the mining industry.

Yukon College is working closely with the Yukon Chamber of Mines, the Yukon Mine Training Association and Yukon First Nations, to assess the needs of the mining industry and develop programs within these partnerships. “These two new programs are just the beginning of what we plan to offer in the near future”, says Yukon College vice president, education and training, Karen Barnes.

Innovators in the Schools in partnership with the Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon are pleased to welcome everyone to the 18th Annual Bridge Building Competition this Saturday, April 9, at Porter Creek Secondary School in the gym. Bridge viewing happens between 12 and 1:00 pm followed by bridge testing. This year 12 schools participated in building just over 135 different bridges. Join us to witness the loads these bridges can endure before they break.

“We are really excited to see this program in its18th year, said Heather Dundas, Coordinator of the Innovators in the Schools program at the Yukon Research Centre – Yukon College. “
“There is so much passion that goes into this event. The youth and families that compete are learning engineering principles, design concepts, building skills, and teamwork, and having a great time. It’s really a spectacular show.”

Yukon College remains committed to working with Yukon First Nations by hosting the third Yukon College First Nations Education Summit on April 11th 2011. The theme of this year’s summit is transitions; honoring the many transitions that occur in a student’s educational experience.

The goal of this summit is to create a forum for education professionals to reflect upon the challenges and successes in both secondary and post secondary education in the Yukon. Some of the objectives of the gathering include: to provide an update and dialogue with Yukon College stakeholders on new YC initiatives; share information on best practices on emerging interests or concerns; develop action items for the coming year, provide feedback from youth; and to celebrate partnerships

Yukon College staff and students will be hosting Hope for Japan, a fundraiser for the victims of the Japanese earthquake. The event will take place on Friday, April 8th from 8pm to 12am in the Yukon College Cafeteria, the Kinnicknick Kaff.

Yukon College has hosted many Japanese international students over the last decade. Thankfully, the current Japanese international students haven’t been directly affected by the recent earthquake/tsunami in Japan. “The situation in Japan weighs heavily on the minds of those at the College, and in partnership with our students, we decided to take action and do what we can from afar”, said international education coordinator, Yoshie Kumagae.

The event will involve live music, a dance, t-shirt sales, silent auction, food and a cash bar. The funds raised at this event will be donated directly to the Canadian Red Cross.

Yukon Innovators in the Schools of the Yukon Research Centre of Excellence, is helping young girls discover their interest and ambition in the field of science. Grade 5-7 girls will gather again this year to take part in the 3rd annual Girl’s Science Club. One of the goals of the Club is to show them that women have an equal role and place in the world of science and technology.

This hands-on, experiential program runs for seven Saturday mornings between April 2 and May 28, at Yukon College. Club members will meet in a College classroom and lab to explore the science of food. Activities during this year’s gastronomic theme will include: lessons with a nutritionist; soil science experiments; touring Aurora Mountain Farm; making sushi with the Yukon College culinary program and much more.

The health care assistant (HCA) students are using needles to assist the homeless population of Whitehorse. On Monday, March 28, these students will be knitting and crocheting hats and scarves that will be donated to the Whitehorse Outreach Van.

The students were motivated to help the homeless when they were involved in Whitehorse Connects this past fall. The HCA students volunteered their time providing basic services to the homeless. Immediately following this event, the students decided to work together and make warm hats and scarves for the Outreach Van.

“We find it satisfying making something that is needed by people who are less fortunate, and it is something that we can do during a heavy program”, said HCA student, Nicole Malcolm.

Yukon College biology instructor, Dave Mossop, has been recognized for his contribution and commitment to northern research. Mossop was invited to present and publish his work on Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan at a conference held by the "World Centre for Birds of Prey" last month. This research suggests a faltering of Ptarmigan population cycles possibly related to a changing climate.

Dave Mossop has dedicated the past 40 years to understanding the relationship between Willow Ptarmigan and its predator, the Gyrfalcon. With the earliest most comprehensive research on these two populations, Mossop and his colleague, Norm Barichello, have uncovered some groundbreaking results.

The ethnic diversity and cultural roots of Yukon College staff and students will be on display and celebrated in the coming week. The Roots Project is an interactive installation of sound, text and images, collected by Yukon College student, Jude Wong. This project is a result of her own personal exploration of her cultural and ethnic background.

Jude Wong is the recipient of the W. Garfield Weston Award, which is supporting her full-time schooling in Business Administration at Yukon College. This award requires Wong to coordinate a community project while she is attending school. Inspired by the exploration of her own cultural roots of Chinese, Danish and German ancestry, she decided to explore the roots of those at Yukon College.

The Yukon Cold Climate Innovation Centre (YCCIC) of the Yukon Research Centre of Excellence (YRCE), has initiated a joint venture research project on a subject that is gaining international attention. This three-year study on biochar is being supported by seven different partners from Yukon, Canada and the United States. This study will investigate the soil enhancement affects of biochar on northern soils in the Yukon.

“This is the kind of project the Yukon Research Centre of Excellence was set up to facilitate and deliver to Yukoners”, said Yukon College president, Terry Weninger.

The 2011 Yukon College Student Job Fair and Interview Café will be held within the 2011 Yukon Aboriginal Peoples Resource Opportunities Conference, providing students with additional opportunities. Yukon College will schedule one-on-one meetings between participating companies and students in one of three interview booths at the conference. “It’s a win, win situation for all concerned”, said Dan Jepson, Chairman and CEO of the C3 Alliance Corporation hosting the conference. “Students benefit from the increased corporate exposure and C3 benefits through its association with Yukon College.”

“This partnership with C3 is very positive for our students and we look forward to further developing the relationship over the years”, said Colleen Wirth, Director of Student Services, Yukon College. “It is an excellent opportunity for Yukon College students nearing graduation, to meet one-on-one with a greater number of potential employers”.

Yukon College transfer students are now eligible for a new award at Royal Roads University. Yukon College has been added to the eligibility list for the College Transfer Entrance Award. The recipient of this award will receive a $2000 tuition credit for transferring to Royal Roads University.

Yukon College is a member of the British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT), and this membership ensures that Yukon College students can transfer credits to other institutions throughout the province of British Columbia. Students are eligible for the entrance award from Royal Roads if they are transferring into one of the following programs: BA in International Hotel Management, BA in Justice Studies, BA in Professional Communication, BCom in Entrepreneurial Management, BSc in Environmental Management, and BSc in Environmental Science.