
Yukon University policies address broad issues that weave the values and aspirations of the institution, guiding the institution in its decision making. All approved policies and their procedures are found on this page.

Operational policy

Governs the operations of the University. These include matters of safety and security, human resources, marketing, and student services.


Academic policy

Directs academic activities that affect teaching, research, learning, student experience and the quality of programming or programs offered.


Board policy

Provides governance and accountability, manages matters of finance, and sets strategic direction for the institution. The Board also has policies that deal with its self-governance and internal affairs.


Guidelines and protocols

Outlines recommendations, direction, or best practices where specific policies and procedures do not exist.

Guidelines and protocols

Academic PoliciesSenate


Senate bylaws

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Senate bylaws
AC 1.0

Yukon University Senate Responsibilities

Outlines the responsibilities of Yukon University Senate, and how the Senate will perform its duties in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards. Permalink
AC 3.0

Development of New Instructional Programs

Every proposed new instructional program must undergo a quality assessment to determine whether it meets established criteria and standards. This requirement applies to all credit programs and non-credit programs for which a Yukon University credential will be granted. Permalink
AC 4.0

Review of Instructional Programs

Yukon University's educational offerings are reviewed regularly for their educational quality through a collaborative, systematic, evidence‐based examination of a program. Program review provides an opportunity to identify and promote specific aspects of educational excellence within a program, and to identify opportunities to improve program quality. Permalink
AC 5.0

Honorary Credentials

Yukon University acknowledges and celebrates exceptional service and contributions to the greater good, as well as excellence in scholarship, scientific inquiry, and artistic achievement, through the conferring of honorary credentials.

Individuals selected to receive an honorary credential will have a record of contribution and accomplishment that, while reflecting the mission, aspirations, ideals, or values of Yukon University, will serve as an inspiration to our students, graduates, and our community as a whole. Permalink

Academic PoliciesAcademic Programming

AP 1.0

Emeritus Faculty Appointments

Yukon University is committed to the strategic goal of ensuring quality to attract and retain students. The emeritus/emerita designation is intended to recognize outstanding, distinguished contributions or service of a retired individual to life of Yukon University, normally for a minimum period of 10 years prior to retirement, or 5 years for a chancellor or president. It establishes a relationship which is both symbolic and active.
Downloads Revised
AP 1.0 - Emeritus Faculty Appointments Policy
AP 2.0

Program Advisory Committees

Yukon University believes that the communities it serves should have a strong voice in shaping current and future programs and/or fields of study. In support of that belief, the University will establish and maintain Program Advisory Committees (PACs) comprised of external stakeholders and internal representatives.
Downloads Revised
AP 2.0 - Program Advisory Committees Policy

Academic PoliciesAcademic Regulations


Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations are a compilation of multiple academic policies regarding programming, learning, and student experience at Yukon University.
Downloads Revised
AR-00 - Academic Regulations

Academic PoliciesResearch

AR 04.0

Animal Welfare

Yukon University is committed to expanding northern research and innovation opportunities. The University strives to expand the culture and capacity to conduct research within the University and throughout Yukon according to clearly defined standards of care when animals are involved in research activities.
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AR 04.0 - Animal Welfare Policy
AR 1.0

University Role in Research

Yukon University is committed to expanding northern research and innovation opportunities and strives to increase the capacity and culture to conduct research within the University and throughout Yukon.
Downloads Revised
AR 1.0 - University Role in Research Policy
AR 2.0

Research Integrity

Yukon University is committed to expanding northern research and innovation opportunities and strives to maintain the highest ethical standards in all of its research and scholarly activities.
Downloads Revised
AR 2.0 - Research Integrity Policy
AR 3.0

Research Ethics

Yukon University expects that researchers conduct their research in accordance with established ethical procedures.
Downloads Revised
AR 3.0 - Research Ethics Policy
AR 5.0

Intellectual Property

Yukon University is committed to the strategic goal of expanding northern research and innovation opportunities. The University strives to expand the culture and capacity to conduct research within the University and throughout Yukon according to the principle that attribution of academic credit and ownership of Intellectual Property (IP) rights belong to the creator(s) unless otherwise agreed to.
Downloads Revised
AR 5.0 - Intellectual Property Policy
AR 6.0

Northern Research Endowment Fund

Yukon University is committed to expanding northern research and innovation opportunities and strives to increase the capacity and culture to conduct research within the University and throughout Yukon.
Downloads Revised
AR 6.0 - Northern Research Endowment Fund Policy